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Why You Shouldn't Release Pen-Reared Turkeys

by Bob Eriksen
Regional Biologist, National Wild Turkey Federation

From 1940 to 1970, wildlife managers learned an important lesson: Truly wild
turkeys simply cannot be raised in captivity. Studies have shown that
releasing pen-reared turkeys, whether as poults or adults, has largely been
an unsuccessful method of establishing populations of these fine birds.
Today there are still areas where wild turkeys are not abundant.
Occasionally, people purchase "wild turkeys" from game bird breeders and
release them in these areas to get a population started. Many turkeys
advertised as eastern wild turkeys by breeders are not truly eastern wild
turkeys, but are the product of selectively breeding wild and domestic
turkeys to look like eastern wild turkeys. They resemble wild turkeys, but
their genetics and behavior are different, and are less adaptable to wild

Captive rearing of wild turkeys eliminates the important learned behaviors
that wild turkey poults acquire from their mothers. Therefore, they are more
susceptible to predation, less likely to breed successfully and far more
likely to exhibit tame or even aggressive behavior toward humans than their
wild counterparts.

Releasing pen-reared turkeys can have negative impacts on wild turkeys.
Pen-reared wild turkeys are often raised with other game birds or domestic
fowl. Turkeys raised with other fowl may be exposed to the diseases or
parasites the other fowl typically carry, but do not get sick from because
of medication in feed and water while in captivity. After release, the
disease or parasites may prosper because the condition of the turkeys
declines as they adjust to the wild and are no longer medicated. The disease
or parasite may be transmitted to susceptible wild turkeys that the
pen-reared turkeys associate with. Should the birds survive long enough to
reproduce, their genetic background could have a negative impact on the wild
turkey gene pool.

The Pennsylvania Game Commission allows people to possess pen-reared wild
turkeys but does not allow release of the birds without a permit (Title 58,
Section 137.2.). Release of pen-reared wild turkeys without a permit can
result in fines. There are some good reasons to allow possession of
pen-reared wild turkeys. They are valuable for educational exhibits (they
look like wild turkeys but adapt better to life in a pen) and they are
excellent table fare. Many wild turkey enthusiasts enjoy having the birds
around. Even captive turkeys are colorful and fascinating to watch. Turkey
hunters often keep pen-reared turkeys to study the birds' vocabulary and
practice calling techniques. Our advice is this: enjoy pen-reared wild
turkeys, but keep them confined. Advise others not to release pen-reared
turkeys under any circumstances. You are not doing the birds or their wild
counterparts any service by releasing pen-reared wild turkeys. Pen-reared
wild turkeys - don't release them!