PA Chapter NWTF         
The Conservation of the Wild Turkey and the Preservation of our Hunting Heritage.
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The Pennsylvania State Chapter - National Wild Turkey Federation, formed in 1975, is a non-profit wildlife organization concerned with the wise management and conservation of the wild turkey in Pennsylvania. We are a state chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF). The Pennsylvania State Chapter was formed to:

  • Establish and maintain public interest in the wise management and conservation of the wild turkey as a valuable natural resource.
  • Develop education awareness programs about the wild turkey and its environment.
  • Increase wild turkey populations in Pennsylvania.
  • Preserve and protect Pennsylvania dwindling wildlife habitat.
  • Develop and promote sportsmanship and ethical behavior among wild turkey enthusiasts, hunters, and other users of the out-of-doors.
  • Strengthen the spirit of cooperation between landowners and users.
  • Curb wildlife poaching and unlawful hunting.
  • Develop a working relationship with the state wildlife agencies to improve wild turkey management principles, fund habitat improvement projects, and educate both the hunting and non-hunting public on wildlife management practices.
  • Preserve and enhance the turkey hunting tradition.

The NWTF was formed in 1973. NWTF headquarters are in Edgefield, South Carolina. Click on any of the NWTF links on this state chapter home page to get to the NWTF home page. The NWTF is the only non-profit wildlife conservation organization dedicated to preserving the American wild turkey as a valuable part of America’s heritage. NWTF is comprised of state and local chapter affiliates.

NWTF Mission

The Conservation of the Wild Turkey and the Preservation of the Turkey Hunting Tradition.

NWTF Purpose and Objectives are:

  • Promote sound wildlife programs which benefit wild turkeys on public, corporate, cooperative, and private lands.
  • Counsel and strong support for organizations involved in state and local conservation problems which endanger the future of the wild turkey.
  • Restocking, through the trap and transfer programs, suitable wildlife habitat with wild turkeys.
  • Develop and promote sound research projects providing useful knowledge of the wild turkey, determining factors limiting populations, and establishing management techniques to increase wild turkey populations.
  • Promote Conservation, Wildlife Management, and Environmental education at all education levels on a nationwide basis in the form of public service announcements, press releases, brochures, posters, wildlife bulletins, and other communications.
  • Develop a solid working relationship with state and federal wildlife and conservation agencies to promote and achieve the purpose and objectives.

The decision of the Commission to close the turkey farm and rely solely on the trap and transfer program has proved a timely and proper wildlife management decision.

Today the Pennsylvania State Chapter - National Wild Turkey Federation is working to add even further to an already expanding and successful wildlife management story. Human encroachment and subsequent habitat loss continue to be the principal forces affecting the state’s wild turkey resource. This proud bird has an impressive history.

Only through the dedicated efforts of groups like the Pennsylvania State Chapter and the Pennsylvania Game Commission can its future be guaranteed.